Allow the Incarnation of God

11-03-2019 00:00
Allow The Incarnation of God (Through Ending The State, Stuff, and Ways of You), versus Clinging, Self-protection, Self-feeding, and Self-improvement 

The natural life is only about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving the individual; while only The Way of Freedom is about Ending the state, stuff, and ways of self, and only The Way of Freedom is about the Incarnation of God.

The natural life is about clinging: clinging to self, and clinging to all that protects and feeds self. The natural life is that which the masses are always doing. The natural lifeis that of protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving individuality. The natural life is the life of clinging to self, and to all that protects and feeds self. It matters not whether that which aperson is doing in any given moment is considered ordinary, religious, or spiritual, because it is only about clinging, and is only about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, or improving individuality,and is, therefore, only the natural life. 

Only The Way of Freedom is Unnatural, because only The Way of Freedom is about Ending the limitation and suffering of self and its clinging ways, and only The Way is about allowing the Incarnation of God. All the spiritual teachings, paths, and practices found on the spiritual circuit, are only about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, or improving individuality. They are all about clinging: clinging to self, and clinging to all that protects and feeds self. 

Therefore, a spiritual life is a natural life. The spiritual circuit is filled with teachings, paths, and practices which promise to make you blissful or at least feel better, or to make you spiritual or enlightened, or to give you some spiritual experience, or to make you or your life better in some other way. Spiritual teachings also commonly promise that there is a way for you to live longer, or for you to at least survive your physical death. However, the profound error of spirituality is that it only strengthens self and its ways, and, therefore, also only increases suffering. But, as the reader discovers as he studies, the ordinary and religious lives do the same as spirituality, because they are all the same natural life of protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving individuality. They are all about clinging. To live the natural life, to seek the protection, feeding, filling, embellishment, and improvement of individuality, to cling, regardless of the means, is to strengthen the state, stuff, and ways of individuality. And, to live the natural life, to strengthen the state, stuff, and ways of individuality, to cling, only increases the suffering that you are. The natural life only reinforces the state, stuff, and ways of limitation and suffering that you are. 

Individuality is the state, stuff, and ways of limitation and suffering. You are limitation and suffering; you are individuality; you are an individual. On the other hand, only God’s Way of Freedom is Unnatural, and is about the ending of self, and its stuff and ways, and only God’s Way is about the Incarnation of God. The state, stuff, and ways of individuality are that which prevent the True Realization and Incarnation of God. And, the natural life, whether ordinary, religious, or spiritual, is about nothing but clinging, is about nothing but protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving, and thus strengthening, individuality.

 A slight digression is needed here. This idea is further explained later in this Book, but, I will Say at this point, that nothing is “wrong” with strengthening and improving the individual, because a strong sense of self is part of growing as a human being, and becoming ordinarily-functional. And, moreover, being a mature adult who has achieved ordinary-functionality, is a necessary foundation for deeply living The Way of Freedom. Generally, ordinary-functionality is the ability to negotiate, manipulate, and interact with the things of nature, in the meeting of one’s own needs. And, to meet one’s own needs, is to use one’s faculties to protect, feed, fill, embellish, and improve individuality; all of which is the strengthening of individuality. Almost every person who reads this Book has achieved ordinarily-functionality, and the reader should not leave this section with the idea that strength of individuality, and ordinary-functionality, are “bad”. The natural way is that of strengthening individuality through clinging, and through protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving self, and is ordinary-functionality. However, the natural way is not “bad”, but must be discussed so that you can begin understanding the natural life you are now living, in contrast to The Unnatural Way of Freedom. Religious and spiritual paths are also natural, just like an ordinary life which is bereft of religion or spirituality, because they are the same natural way of clinging, and protecting, feeding, and improving self, but merely cloaked in religious or spiritual garb. That is why the ordinary, religious, and spiritual lives are all natural, and are essentially identical in that they are all about self rather than God.

Returning to the theme of this section, the natural life is the life of the masses, whether it is called ordinary, religious, or spiritual. In opposition to the natural life of the masses, The Way of Freedom is not to cling, is not to protect, feed, fill, embellish, and improve you, the individual. Contrary to the natural life of clinging, self-protection, self-feeding, self-embellishment, and selfimprovement, The Way is about allowing the Incarnation of God Through the mind and body, and Into the infinite world of space and form.

But, not only is The Way not about clinging, and not about protecting, feeding, and improving individuality, it is the very state, stuff, and ways of individuality that prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God. So, it is the state, stuff, and ways of you that must be starved and Removed, for God to have room to Incarnate Through that mind and body. The Way is not about clinging, and is not about protecting you, or feeding you, or making you feel better, or improving you, but it is, in fact, about starving and Removing the state, stuff, and ways of you that prevent the Incarnation of God. The Way does not leave-alone the self, or its stuff and ways, while packing it all off into a safe little corner, and while God Incarnates Through another corner of the mind and body.  The Way is about the complete starvation and Removal of self, and its stuff and clinging ways, so that God can completely Incarnate Through the mind and body, and Into the infinite world ofspace and form. God’s Way is not about the further incarnation of you, but includes starving and Removing the state, stuff, and clinging ways of you, in order to make room for God. 

Much more is explained about the following fact as this Book continues, but, it is important to understand now, that The Way of Freedom unfolds both gradually and suddenly. It is gradual because years are required for the stuff and ways of individuality to be completely starved, and to be either Removed (Purified) or Changed. The gradual aspect of God’s Way has to do with the starvation and Removal or Purification of your subtle selfish stuff, and the Changing of your subtle and gross selfish and clinging ways into more of a giving- and Faithful-orientation. The Way is also sudden because there comes a final moment in time when the very state of individuality, the very core-level state of you, the very state of limitation or separate consciousness that you are, Dissolves. That sudden, culminating, and final moment is True Ego-Death, True God-Realization, True Incarnation, wherein the very state of you as an individual comes to an End while the body yet lives. 

Ego-Death, God-Realization, and Incarnation, are terms which point to the same irrevocable Event: the Ending of individuality, and the Perfect Integration or Sameness of mind and body with the very State of God, and the Shining or Radiance of God Through the mind and body, and Into the infinite world of space and form. Ego-Death, God-Realization, or Incarnation, is the Revelation of God Into the world of space and form. More importantly, it is the Revelation of God to humanity. True and sudden Ego-Death (or True God-Realization and Incarnation) Occurs only after years of gradual Purification and Change. The gradual aspect of The Way is the long period wherein God is allowed to Prepare the mind and body to become a fit Vehicle for Him. 

God’s Path is about allowing the Incarnation of Him (through ending the state, stuff, and clinging ways of you), and is not about clinging, and is not about protecting, feeding, and improving you. This is the third and final general reason why God is the Foundation of The Way of Freedom. In closing: The serious follower relinquishes his smaller perspective of life, and allows a broader vision to unfold, by intuitively understanding that the The Way of Freedom, by understanding that his very existence and life, are much more about God, than about him. Yet, he also realizes that The Way fully involves the depth and breadth of him and his life, because all of him, and all of his stuff and clinging ways, must be out of God’s way, so that God is not prevented. The follower cannot hide or hold-back any part of him, his stuff, or his ways, and realistically expect to allow and Realize God. He cannot cling, and cannot protect and feed self, and cannot be enamored of self-reliance and self effort,and expect to allow the Incarnation of God. The serious follower has taken-up the only Unnatural Way, and leaves the natural way of clinging, self-protection, self-feeding, self-reliance, and self-effort, to the ordinary, religious, and spiritual masses. He is not even trying to use God to protect, feed, fill, embellish, or improve self, mind, body, or external life. He is ever-more-deeply seeing through those errors. He is also not seeking self realization,or any modification to self, or any therapizing of self, or his essential nature. He is also gradually relinquishing his impulse to become a Free, Divine, or Blissful self. He recognizes that he is simply a limited and suffering individual, and understands that he can never be Free, Divine, or Blissful, because that which is, by its very nature, limitation and suffering, can never be God. Yet, he seeks True Realization, not to glorify or improve himself, but in order to end the limitation and suffering that he is, while the body yet lives. He seeks a more Glorious Destiny, but not more self glorification. 

The Way of Freedom is not about enduring a therapy, or moving your energy around, or experiencing your consciousness, attention, or mind. It is not about protecting, feeding, or modifying self in any way. It is not about making a better you, even though tremendous improvements may be noticed on the subtle and gross levels of ordinary-functionality. The Way does not seek to have an experience of any kind, but is the Faithful Sacrifice of that which seeks to get and experience. The spiritual-types who are seeking God-Realization, are actually seeking to get and experience God, which is impossible. For True God-Realization, for True Incarnation, that which seeks to get and experience must Dissolve and Die, and be out of God’s way, while the body yet lives. 

The Way of Freedom is about inviting and allowing God to Remove or Change the state, stuff, and,ways of you, that prevent Him from Incarnating Through that mind and body. It is not about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, or improving individuality. It is about the ending of individuality and its ways, and the Incarnation of God. It is not about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving the limitation and form which is you, but is about allowing the Unlimitedness and Formlessness of God to Flow Through the mind and body. 

The Way of Freedom does not increase clinging to self, and to all that is used to protect and feed self, but is about decreasing the clinging to every thing of form within and without. In many spiritual teachings, paths, and practices, the Name of God is rarely mentioned, and God is certainly not the foundation, and God is often not even the goal. A serious spiritual seeker who has spent years on the spiritual circuit, can attest to the fact that God is either largely excluded from most spiritual teachings, paths, and practices, or is simply a “peripheral matter”. 

However, The Way of Freedom is not a spiritual path or practice. It is God and His Way. The Way of Freedom is Initiated, Sustained, and Completed by God, and Ends with only God remaining. It is by God and about God from beginning to End. You first understand The Way of Freedom by Grace, and you are Guided and Sustained along The Path by Grace, and the state, stuff, and ways of self are Removed or Changed by Grace, and God is Realized and Incarnated by His Grace. This entire creation is His Show and is about Him, and True Realization is about Him because It is the Incarnation of Him into His world of space and form.

Sri Dava Prakasha

